Operating System Projects

Isfahan University of Tehchnology

Facalty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Update: 26 July 2021

FreeRTOS Porting

Porting FreeRTOS on Raspberry Pi 3B

This project intends to launch the real-time operating system, FreeRTOS, on Raspberry Pi 3B. Then, we can make sure that the launched port is correct by implementing the first test scenario. Next, by running the second test scenario, we evaluate how this operating system prioritizes the tasks. We then examine the operating power of this operating system to perform basic operations in the case of only one task in the timing queue in the third test scenario and the case of several tasks in the fourth test scenario. After running the test scenarios, we collect the results table and investigate the processing status of this operating system. Calculating the processing power of the combination of the FreeRTOS operating system and Raspberry Pi hardware can be used in various applications. Applications such as: creating a drone with a controller based on the real-time operating system, designing a car ECU based on this type of operating system, making medical equipment for health control, etc.



Bachelor student at Isfahan University of Technology.
  • Email: derakhshan@me.iut.ac.ir
  • git: github.com/m-derakhshan
  • linkedin: linkedin.com/in/mohammad-derakhshan
Bachelor student at Isfahan University of Technology.
  • Email: mnaeimi@ec.iut.ac.ir
  • linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhmdnmi
  • Email: a.karimiafshar@ec.iut.ac.ir

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